Enjoying Beautiful Ceramics

While there are often ceramic creations that are made solely for display, many lovely pieces are made to be used. Dishes are a good example of creating art that should be taken out of the display case on a regular basis. They are made for the serving and consumption of food, and they should be used that way occasionally. Being concerned about breakage can be part of the package, but those who have learned how to handle them correctly will be able to relax and breathe as they consume their meal.

Many of the finer dish sets people have for holidays and special occasions are kept in hutches with glass fronts, and they bring pleasure all year long when viewed. For those who take them out for a celebration with the family, there is often a different set for the smaller children. They might still be experiencing their own lack of control when handling breakable items, and there should be no concern when the family dines together. Substituting dishes for the children is a sensible way to ensure everyone has a good time.

Older children often graduate to the adult table, and they must learn how to handle many new items. Their knives, forks and spoons might be laid out in a more complex pattern, and good manners will tell it they know how to use the correctly. Part of their training should be in the art of cutting their food and scooping it up without damaging their ceramic plate.

There have been many families where disaster has struck on the holiday because someone insisted everyone should have a fancy dish for dining. For those who know children can be scarred just as badly for life as their beautiful ceramic dish, offering them an easier alternative until they are able to handle their plate with confidence is a good way to keep the day happy for all.